11 Best Plants for Houston Landscaping

Houston is hot, dry, and sunny, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have a beautiful yard. Texas native plants can adapt to Houston’s climate and soil conditions as they have been growing here for years.  Let’s take a look at the best native plants for Houston that can add charm to your yard.  In this […]

4 Best Grass Types for Houston Lawns

Want a lush, green lawn that will last most of the year? The key is selecting the grass type that will grow best in our humid, subtropical climate. Here’s a list of the four best grass types for Houston: Bermudagrass Seashore Paspalum St. Augustinegrass Zoysiagrass 1. Bermudagrass Popular for its sun-loving, salt-tolerant makeup, Bermudagrass has […]

Native Plants for Houston Landscapes

When’s the last time you stopped to smell the roses in Houston? How about any of the native flowers like the purple coneflower or black-eyed Susan? These are the native plants for Houston landscapes that attract birds, bees and other pollinators. Since they grow here naturally, they need little maintenance or water to thrive. Planting […]

Houston’s Worst Pests (and How to Get Rid of Them)

Houston has a bug problem. One 2017 survey named the city as the most-pest-infested city in America. We’ve singled out the worst creepy-crawly pests and how to get rid of them.  Cockroaches Cockroaches love hot and humid urban environments, which means Houston is perfect. About 38 species of cockroaches live in Texas, and Houston generously hosts […]

Houston’s Worst Weeds

Weeds are troublesome plants growing where we don’t want them, and Houston has plenty of them. They’re classified in several different groups: grasses and broadleaf, and perennials and annuals. Annuals have winter and summer varieties: winter weeds die when it gets hot, and summer annuals die when it cools off in the fall. Many of […]

Watering Restrictions in and Around Houston

You may be hot, but you can get into hot water if you use too much water in Houston. With average summertime temperatures in the mid-90s, it’s an absolute must to stick with the city’s water conservation plan. Watering restrictions in and around Houston are in place because drought in Texas is common.  Sticking to […]