The Best Grass for Your East Texas Lawn

Houston, we have a problem … a lawn problem. East Texas is humid, rainy, and blazing hot, with frequent hurricanes. Such volatile weather conditions make lawn care difficult but certainly not impossible. Warm-season grasses grow best in hot summer areas, letting them thrive in East Texas’ intense heat. Below are the best grasses for East […]

Best Low-Maintenance Landscaping for Your Texas Yard

When Texas gets hotter than a fur coat in Marfa, yard work becomes unbearable to even think about. So if time with your family is more important than time with your yard, you might consider adopting some low-maintenance landscaping ideas for your Texas yard. Low-maintenance landscaping is, as you’d expect, landscaping that requires minimal care. […]

15 Best Native Plants for Central Texas

Try as you might, you can’t get every plant to thrive in Central Texas’ humid subtropical climate. Why not give your garden a better chance with Texas native plants? The best native plants for Central Texas are much more likely to be: Remember, Texas is a big state with several different climates. A plant that […]

Best Grasses for a Great Texas Lawn

We Texans like to say, “If you don’t like the weather, stick around a minute” because it changes so rapidly. These wild fluctuations – cold to hot, rainy to scorching, windy to still – and the varied climates of this massive state, can wreak havoc on grass and plants. So before you invest in expensive […]

12 Spring Lawn Care Tips for Homeowners in North Georgia

As springtime takes hold in North Georgia, you’re looking at new life budding from your awakening lawn. But if you want your lawn to reach peak condition this spring and summer, it’s important to give it a little early-season pampering. To help you do that, our lawn experts have put together 12 spring lawn care […]

4 Grasses That Grow Best in Your Arizona Lawn

The American Southwest evokes images of stunning red rock canyons and cactus bristling with needle-sharp thorns while also bursting with stunning flowers. A lush green lawn? Maybe not so much. But hang on. Yes, grass does in fact grow in the arid desert climate of Arizona, provided you know which varieties do well there and […]