12 Hurricane-Resistant Landscaping Ideas for St. Augustine, FL

As hurricane season approaches, homeowners begin to prepare their homes for potential damage. While many focus on strengthening their home’s structure, they may overlook the importance of hurricane-resistant landscaping. A landscape that’s well-designed will not only add beauty to your home but also provide protection from wind and water damage during a hurricane. By using […]

6 Best Grass Types for St. Augustine, FL

Along the sunny coast of Florida lies the oldest city in the United States – St. Augustine. This picturesque destination is known for its historical landmarks, beautiful beaches, and lush greenery. And for homeowners in this idyllic locale, having a backyard with a well-maintained and beautiful green lawn is just fitting. But with so many […]

15 Best Native Plants for St. Augustine, FL

Homeowners know that finding the perfect plants for landscaping can be tough. But did you know that some of the best options may be right outside your home? St. Augustine’s moderate climate and coastal location make it the ideal habitat for various native plants that thrive in the region. Choosing native plants for your landscaping […]