Worst Backyard Pests in Kansas City

If you have pests in your Kansas City backyard — and chances are you do — you can take these steps to zap them or send them scampering off.

Worst Weeds in Kansas City (and How to Get Rid of Them)

You may be singing the Kansas City blues if any of these weeds sprout in your lawn. Here are the worst KC weeds, and what to do about them.

7 Native Plants for Kansas City

Landscaping with native plants will save you work and money. Native plants and flowers for Kansas City typically need less maintenance, use less water, and provide a natural habitat for local wildlife.

Guide to Summer Lawn Care in Tampa, FL

Whether you care for yard grass yourself or hire a lawn service, it would be a mistake to neglect it, that is, unless you really want an invasion of weeds, thatch and insects.

7 Worst Weeds in Tampa (and How to Get Rid of Them)

The same gorgeous weather that attracts so many to Florida also attracts weeds. This year, get ready to strike back. These are some of the worst weeds in Tampa and how to get rid of them.

Watering Restrictions in Charlotte, N.C.

There are only a handful of strict watering restrictions in Charlotte, N.C., but there are some common-sense measures you can take at any time to reduce the amount of water you use.