The #1 Dallas Lawn Watering Guide for Spring/Summer 2019

Dallas spring weather is sometimes all over the place. Unpredictably there will be excessive heat sprinkled with freezing temperatures and sometimes even a tornado will pass by. Luckily the grasses that are most popular in Dallas can put up with these different types of weather. Arguably, the most important part of lawn care is watering. It can be mundane, but it is important to have proper watering techniques. Here we have made a guide to watering specific to the Dallas area.

How much water does my lawn need in Dallas, TX?

Watering a lawn, while it may sound easy, can be daunting when the results of the lawn are not up to par with expectations. The recommended amount of water per week in north texas is about an inch. Take into consideration the amount of sunlight your lawn receives. If the lawn is fully exposed to the sun and has no shade, these lawns will need more water to survive.

Under watering grass is probably the most prevalent prognosis in Texas, however in Dallas there are quick outbursts of rain that can add to over watering, especially if your lawn has not had proper watering techniques. Here are some signs that you are overwatering or underwatering.

What happens when you overwater your lawn?

1. Thatch Build Up

Thatch build up is a natural occurrence in lawns that if exceeds ¾ inch it needs to be removed. The build up is a combination of dead grass and debris that can suffocate the living grass. Over watering can prevent the natural breakdown of the thatch by other organisms

2. Fungus and Disease

Fungus and disease can arise when a lawn has been over watered. If there is any stagnant water in a lawn there is an opportunity for a fungus to grow. The prime example of fungi is when mushrooms begin growing. If this happens in your lawn make sure to water less.

3. Weeds

Weeds of certain strains can thrive over thatch build up. Making sure that the lawn stays dense and free of additional water will promote healthy lawn growth and less weeds.

What happens if you don’t water your lawn enough?

1. Stress

Stress is a factor in any lawn, however, when stress begins to affect the lawn in a noticeable way, this is an indicator the grass is underwatered. For example, if a footprint remains in the grass instead of springing back up the grass needs some extra water.

2. Discoloration

Discoloration will turn the lawn from green to brown or yellow. This can be an indicator that the grass has caught a disease as well. Watching the color of the grass closely will ensure the lawn doesn’t get to this point. Remember,  overly exposed patches of grass may need a little more water than shaded sections.

3. Clump Growth

Clump growth will indicate the lawn is struggling to survive. There will be several patches of dead grass with small sections of green. This stage is still salvageable, but may need an additional reseed and fertilizer to completely fix the problem.

What is the best time of day to water your lawn?

To avoid overwatering and to ensure the conservation of our water supply, the time of day matters. The optimum time to water is in the morning between the hours of 7 am to 10 am. During daylight savings, the watering schedule should be mended to around the time the sun rises.  

Option A: Watering Mid-Day

Watering when the yard is fully exposed to the sun is a waste of water. The water will quickly evaporate during these times and not allow the grass to soak it all up. If only some water get through to the roots the roots will most likely become shallow and you will eventually have to water more to keep the grass green.

Option B: Watering in the Evening

On the opposite spectrum watering in the evening can lead to over watering the lawn. The morning sun has the ability to evaporate excess water on the lawn ensuring the perfect amount of water gets soaked up by the grass. In the evening the water has nowhere to go but to sit on the lawn.

What is the best lawn watering technique for a strong, deep root system?

The best technique to use when watering the yard is deep infrequent watering. This type of schedule aligns with the Dallas Watering Restrictions as well. Frequent watering with less water will cause the grass to have shallow roots. Infrequent watering will also allow the yard to be more durable against drought, below freezing temperatures, and other weather.

What are the Dallas Watering Restrictions in 2019?

There is a maximum two day a week watering restriction.  If your house address ends in an even number you can water on Sundays and Thursdays. If your house ends in an odd number you are allotted Saturdays and Wednesdays. If there is no address number where you reside you can water on Sundays and Thursdays.

Still looking for more lawn care information? Visit our Dallas, TX lawn care page for more tips n’ tricks.

Top photo: Flickr // jean-louis plamondon

About Wikilawn

Wikilawn’s mission is to provide the best resources and information to help you enjoy your outdoor spaces the way you want. Whether you are a DIY, lawn-loving, gardening guru, or someone who wants help in picking a local lawn care professional, we can smooth your path to a beautiful backyard!

About Wikilawn

Wikilawn’s mission is to provide the best resources and information to help you enjoy your outdoor spaces the way you want. Whether you are a DIY, lawn-loving, gardening guru, or someone who wants help in picking a local lawn care professional, we can smooth your path to a beautiful backyard!